
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Craft Show Table Displays

Last season I spent a lot of time obsessing over my craft show displays. I thought I was satisfied with my display for my summer show--at the time it was nice, but the more I thought about it, the more unhappy I was. Isn't that always the way with something you create? Once you get some distance you really start seeing the flaws.

- It wasn't shopable: patterns and clutches were just piled on or stuffed in baskets. It looked like STUFF. Not like a display.

- There was no vertical interest: This one I gave myself an out. I was on a budget, and a public transit taker. I had to keep it to a minimum so despite my constant Pinteresting, I just gave up on that one. You know when you're afraid to look into something in case it fails? Yep.

- Blah-ness. Everything kinda melded into one. Nothing about the display stood out. Sure it was cohesive but it has to be exciting as well!

So for my first show last season I made some changes: new styles (More sequins! South American fabrics! Leather!) and a new table cloth to complement these styles. That's about all I changed.

What I found was that if people looked over at my table, they came over and rummaged. However, a lot of people didn't even notice me! I knew then and there to stop mucking around and create a vertical display. To stop piling on all the stuff (but I've made SO MUCH) and focus on showcasing the quality of the items instead of having a table that says "look how much crap I made!"

So. Everything changed. Different baskets. I made display boards. I left things at home (GASP). For the first time I was truly happy with my display! The best part? It worked!

Testing out the display at home.

Vertical interest!

Last-minute button earrings. Seriously, I made these the day before a show.

The final display. So much happier with it!

A close up.

So of course, even though only a month has passed, I am now dreaming up ways to change my display for the next round. I want to expand on the shelving idea. The boards are just fabric-covered foam so I know they won't last me forever. But that's what sketchbooks are for, right? Planning!

Thanks for reading!

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