
Monday, October 28, 2013

Tiny Workspaces

I love my apartment. It is the first place I've lived that is truly mine. I love the neighbourhood, the view, the green space, the proximity to the subway… I could go on!

However, since starting my Etsy store last year, I'll admit I am sometimes (constantly) longing for a second bedroom as my "dining table" has taken on the role of the sewing studio. I think I've finally gotten a layout that I can easily work with but I am the sort of person who likes to see all my stuff at once. Open shelves of fabric, peg boards for tools, white boards, fabric swatches on the walls etc. I'd love to be able to spread out someday.


It has been an exciting challenge figuring out the ways to best make use of such a small workspace. All in all the changes I've made have been unobtrusive (except on particularly enthusiastic sewing days…that's when no visitors are welcome), but any crafter would agree that having a space dedicated to your creative endeavours is living the dream! Also, if I had a bigger space I would consider making bigger items haha.

I have used this table for eating less than 5 times. Ah well.

It stayed this clean for about ten seconds.

So organized!

While lusting after craft rooms, I turn to staring at my pinboard.

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